About the Union of Kazakhstan Artists
Union of Kazakhstan Artists is the first Kazakhstan Union that represents the works of Kazakhstan's most talented and creative artists. We are committed to showcasing the best of the art scene in the country, from emerging talent to established masters. Our virtual gallery allows you to explore the work of our artists from the comfort of your own home.
We believe that art should be accessible to all, and strive to bring the works of Kazakhstan's finest to a global audience. Our mission is to promote and celebrate the art of Kazakhstan, and we invite you to explore our virtual gallery and take part in the journey.
History of the Union of Artists of Kazakhstan

The Union of Artists of the Republic of Kazakhstan is a creative public organization that unites about 1,200 professional artists: sculptors, painters, graphic artists, artists of monumental and decorative and applied art, masters of folk art and art historians.
The Union has 15 branches in various regions of the country. Branches are part of the structure of the Union and are not independent legal entities. CX RK is divided into sections.
The Union of Artists of Kazakhstan is an association of professional artists working in different types and genres of fine arts. Its goals are to promote the creativity of artists-members of the Union of Artists in the republican and international arena, provide information, social and legal support, hold exhibitions, publishing and promotional activities.
According to the Charter, the supreme body of the Union is the Congress, which is convened at least once every four years. During the break between the Congresses, the governing body is the Board of the Union, elected for a term of four years. The operational management of the Union is carried out by the Secretariat, elected from the Board for a period also of four years.
The Union of Artists has its own office space, creative workshops and production area, which is currently under renovation.
Fine art of Kazakhstan in its classical academic format is not traditional for Kazakhstan, and was actually created within the framework of the Union of Artists in about 70 years of the 20th century.
The creation of the Union of Artists was preceded by a significant preparatory period. In 1932-1933, the Orgburo was created, in 1936 - the organizing committee of Kazakh artists. These organizations were engaged in the registration of artists working in Kazakhstan, organized exhibitions, studios, carried out work to consolidate artists and systematize their creative work. At the same time, the cooperative "Kazhudozhnik" worked, fulfilling orders for works of art. At the initiative of the organizing committee and its active assistance, in the late 1930s, the first art school and the first art gallery were opened in Kazakhstan.
The Union of Artists was formed in 1933 under the leadership of the Organizing Committee of Soviet Artists under the Council of People's Commissars of the Kazakh SSR, and on June 26, 1940, with the participation of Moscow artists, the first Republican Congress of the Union of Artists of Kazakhstan was held, at which the charter was adopted and the first membership books were issued to a group of Kazakh artists. It was attended by 8 regional branches of the Union of Artists, formed by this year.
Georgy Brylov, who graduated from the Academy of Arts of the USSR, was elected the first chairman of the Union, and Abylkhan Kasteev was elected deputy for creative issues. In 1940, at a meeting of the Presidium of the Board of the Union of Artists of the USSR, 19 artists of Kazakhstan were accepted as members of the Union of Artists of the USSR.
The first members of the Union of Artists of Kazakhstan were: Abylkhan Kasteev, Nikolai Krutilnikov, Alexei Bortnikov, Alexander Ponomarev, Aubakir Ismailov and others.
In subsequent years, at the congresses of the Unions of Artists, the chairmen of the Union were elected: Mikhail Belov (1951), Abylkhan Kasteev (1954), Khakimzhan Naurzbaev (1956), Sabur Mambeev (1959), Nikolai Gaev (1962), Kanafia Telzhanov (1965), Sabur Mambeev (1968 to 1982), Shaken Niyazbekov (1982), Amen Khaidarov (1986), Yerkin Mergenov (1987-1993), Tulegen Dosmagambetov (1993-1995) .), Sabur Mambeev (1995-1997), Yerkin Mergenov (1998-2009), Baitursyn Umorbekov (since 2009).
Among the most significant exhibition projects that took place in the Union of Artists of Kazakhstan over the past 10 years, the following should be mentioned: an exhibition of artists of Kazakhstan in the exposition of the International Confederation of Unions of Artists "The Art of Nations" (Moscow, 2002), an exhibition in celebration of the 300th anniversary of St. Petersburg (St. Petersburg, 2003). Republican exhibitions of the Union of Artists of the Republic of Kazakhstan are held annually in Alma-Ata. Currently, work is underway on the project “History of the Union of Artists of Kazakhstan in documents and photo illustrations”, which is expected to be completed in the second half of 2008. In 1999, 1,000,000 tenge (approximately 8,000 USD) were allocated for the anniversary exhibition , publication of a guide and holding anniversary celebrations in connection with the 60th anniversary of the official date of the organization of the Union of Artists of the Republic of Kazakhstan (60th anniversary of the 1st Republican Congress of the Union of Artists of the Republic of Kazakhstan).
For 86 years of development, the names of Kazakh masters have become known throughout the former USSR. Their works are included in the expositions and funds of the State Tretyakov Gallery, the State Museum of the Arts of the Peoples of the East, museums in Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, etc.

Rashid Nurekeyev was born on November 17, 1964 in the village of Dzhusaly, Kyzylorda region. Mr. Nurekeyev graduated from the Almaty Art College named after N. Gogol in 1991. He is a member of the Union of Artists of Kazakhstan until 1998. Genre: thematic paintings, installations, objects.
Nurekeyev's work is an impressive example of the creative search of a contemporary artist. His works demonstrate the synthesis of feelings, emotions and concepts, which are the concentration of time. His works reflect changes in the influence of the information environment on the artistic imagination. Each work of R. Nurekeev requires explanation.
Rashid Nurekeyev
Shamil Guliyev
Shamil Guliyev was born in 1960 in Nalchik, Kabardino-Balkaria.
In 1979 he graduated from the Almaty Art College named after Gogol, in 1992 - the Almaty State Theater and Art Institute (Kazakh National Academy of Arts). Zhurgenov). Lives and works in Almaty.
1999 Creative scholarship of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan
2002 3rd Prize, exhibition “Souvenir of Kazakhstan”, Soros Center for Contemporary Art-Almaty, Kazakhstan.
Collection: State Museum of Arts. A. Kasteeva, Almaty.
Directorate of Art Exhibitions of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Almaty.
Presidential Palace “AK-Orda”, Astana, Kazakhstan
Atyrau Museum of Art. Sariev, Atyrau, Kazakhstan
Tagenova G.K.
Umorbek Zhubaniyazov
Zhubaniyazov Umorbek was born on January 22, 1964 in the village of Tasbuget, Kyzylorda region. In 1979-1983 he studied at the School of Culture in Aktobe as a graphic designer.
In 1985-1987 he worked in the Art Fund of the Kazakh SSR in Kyzylorda. In 1992 he graduated from the University. T. Zhurgenova with a degree in monumental painting. Since 1992 he has been teaching at the Kazakh National Academy of Arts named after Zhurgenov.
Since 1995, a member of the Union of Artists of Kazakhstan. 1996 - restoration of the Almaty Cathedral. In 1997, he participated in the design of the presidential palace in Ashgabat (Turkmenistan).
The works are in the Kasteev Academy and Museum, the Vatican Museum, the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, the Consulate of Kazakhstan in St. Petersburg, the Presidential Palace in Astana, the Presidential Center of Culture of Kazakhstan in Astana, the Palace of Independence ” in Astana, from the Emir of Qatar (Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa al Thani), at BIAB China 2008, at the Palace of Independence in Astana, at the Museum of the City of Almaty.
Tagenova Gulbarshyn was born in Ust-Kamenogorsk, East Kazakhstan region.
In 1984 she graduated from the Almaty Art College named after. N.V. Gogol, Department of Painting (class of K. Dyusembaev).
In 1993 she graduated from the Almaty State Theater and Art Institute, department of artistic ceramics.
She is a member of the Union of Artists since 2003. Since 1993, she began to take part in art exhibitions, it was painting that was a means of expressing her feelings for the world around her. In her works, the artist strives to create her own original language of self-expression, wants to find the only form of creativity that would allow her to convey her feelings of the unity of soul and matter in many of Gulzhamal's paintings, visual forms are organized in a special way that you involuntarily succumb to their magic. The magic lies in the dynamic development of space by color, the continuous variety of color planes and tonal developments. This continuum takes on the properties of a polyphonic sound.
Tagenova G.K. is a member of the Union of Artists since 2003. Painter.
Main works: Vases (oil on canvas, 100x120, 2012). Three Graces (oil on canvas, 100x100, 2013). Almaty (c.m., 100x120, 2012). Sunny day (c.m., 100x100, 2013
Kami Aitkaliev
Sergei Pozharsky
Sergei Petrovich is a museum painter. At one time he studied at the Almaty Art School named after N. Gogol, with a break to serve in the Soviet Army. After graduating from college, he was sent to the Kazmuseum Restoration, where Pozharsky worked for more than forty years, from 1978 to 2019.
Colleagues and friends have long wanted to show the world the artist with his unique painting style and commitment to the historical theme. The name of Sergei Pozharsky is well known to the museum community of Kazakhstan and neighboring countries. Paintings, circular dioramas, panels, panoramas are exhibited in many local history museums of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the CIS countries. The artist has many such works.
As a museum worker, Sergei Petrovich is very reliable in reproducing the theme, attentive to details, landscape, architecture: “I go to museums. There, from paleontology to the present, everything has to be repro
Kami Aitkaliyev - universal artist
In the spring of 2022, at one of the expositions in the Kasteev Museum, the public saw a luxurious triptych "Music" by Kami Aitkaliev. An unusual mosaic canvas in the author's technique "voluminous textiles" exuded a sense of celebration. However, the universal talent of the artist allows you to create unique works in different genres.
He was born in 1946 graduated from the Almaty Art College in 1972.
Interested in exploring the possibilities of felt in arts and crafts. Works as a graphic artist, painter, muralist.
In 1975-1979 participated in the All-Union seminars ("The Artist and the City", design) under the Union of Artists of the USSR. He actively participated and presented his works in All-Union and inter-republican exhibitions on the artistic design of interiors and exteriors of cultural buildings.
In recent years, he has been creating works of felt. Felt is a traditional material in Kazakh folk art. Aitkaliyev Kami creates three-dimensional relief compositions using the capabilities of felt in the folk technique "syrmak".
In autumn 2007 he presented his works at his solo exhibition.
Evgeny Fridlin was born on April 25, 1974 in the city of Pavlodar. In 2000 he graduated from the Pavlodar College of Arts (with honors). Laureate of the "New Names" competition, held in 1999. Awarded with a grant from the akim of Pavlodar region in 2000. Laureate of the Named Prize named after Aubakir Ismailov and the festival “Shabyt 2003”, Astana city. Curator and participant of the meeting of young artists "ART August 2006", Pavlodar.
Works are exhibited and stored
in the Pavlodar Regional Museum of Arts (Pavlodar).
Museum of Fine Arts named after Nevzorovs (Semipalatinsk)
State Museum of Arts named after Abylkhan Kasteev (Almaty)
Corporate collection of ATF-Bank (Almaty)
Gallery of Modern Art "Ular" (Almaty)
Gallery of Contemporary Art "OYU" (Almaty)
private collections in Kazakhstan, Poland, Germany, USA, France, Italy and other countries.
Alexander Stepanovich Ermolenko graduated from the art and graphic faculty of the Pedagogical Institute. Abai. Painting professor. He received this title in China, at Hanshan University, where he taught "painting and drawing." Perhaps, the special sharpness of his drawing, the ability to see what the simple eye simply does not notice, the filigree skill in writing nature, conveyed so gently and sensually, attracted the attention of Chinese colleagues.
The works of Alexander Ermolenko are presented in more than 20 countries of the world. Personal exhibitions are held in museums in Russia, Germany, China and in the Kasteev State Museum. He painted over 2000 paintings. The space of his artistic field is huge: landscapes, still lifes, graphic works, charcoal drawings. One of his works was included in the school textbook as an illustration of the wonderful beauty of our country. His works are inspiring, they are optimistic. They have both the present and nostalgia for the past.